Fascia refers to the connective tissues that wraps around our muscles and internal organs, giving us the shape and support the body needs for daily activities. When muscles are under or overused, one may feel stuck, discomfort or pain in certain areas of the body. Myofascial release is a method to relieve tension and knots created from habitual movement, poor postures, and stress. It is a form of therapy that aims to relax the muscles, and improve blood and lymphatic circulation. A combination of Myofascial release and Yin Yoga poses can help to release physical and energetic blockages within the body, and give the body's connective tissues a good stretch for optimal performance.
Join Stanley Lim (E-RYT500) in this series of thematic workshops combining Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release. You will learn more about connective tissues, and the different release techniques and yin yoga postures to help you release muscle knots in various parts of the body.
Workshop 1: Yin & Myofascial Release for the Desk Bound
Saturday, 29th Feb 2020
10:30am to 12.30pm
The student will be taught simple release techniques for the neck, shoulders and hips to allow freedom in the body. We will also address common chronic pains associated with people who are desk bound, on practice methods for self application.
If you are a white-collar employee, this is definitely a workshop you that you don’t want to miss!
Workshop 2: Yin & Myofascial Release for the Sporty
Saturday, 29th Feb 2020
2.00pm – 4.00pm
This workshop focuses on stretching the major muscle groups in the body for release and better muscular activation for your next sport activity. We will look into major joints and their function in order to address them accordingly for maintenance and improved performance.
Workshop 3: Yin & Myofascial Release for Detox
Sunday, 1st Mar 2020
10.30am - 12.30pm
This workshop will target the meridian and meridian fascia that stimulates and aids the body's digestion and elimination functions from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective.
Workshop 4: Yin & Myofascial Release for Rejuvenating and Longevity
Sunday, 1st Mar 2020
2.00pm - 4.00pm
This workshop will target specific meridian paths and fascia release points to retain youthfulness in the body system. The fusion of Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Nada (sound yoga) will help to promote overall stimulation to gain harmony in the body, mind and spirit.
Fees: $150/session
Receive 10% discount for 2 sessions and above
Receive 20% discount for entire workshop
Early Bird special : Full Workshop at only $380 (payment by 31st Jan 2020)

Gravity with Grace
“The yoga is in the transitions...” Learn to move from your center, tap into your deep core, move and flow with skill and stand true in your power with grace and love. We will work on deep core connections, wake up & strengthen the upper body as we learn exercises & variations that will help build awareness to safely and skillfully practice crow, headstands, handstands, forearm balances and creative fun variations of all!! All levels welcome~

Hip, Hot and Holy
This challenging and creatively sequenced specialty class is for the yogi who desires more than what the standard yoga class offers. Burn away all the obstacles that clutter the mind and fog the mirror of the soul. Wring out the toxic emotions that build up and stagnate within the body. It has been our direct experience that an intense asana practice and deep stretching/opening poses will bring about these changes. Practitioner should have a good working knowledge of backbends, headstands and inversions.

The Dance of Shiva and Shakti
Experience the Yin/Yang factor in this perfectly balanced 2 hour Vinyasa and Yin Yoga practice. A one hour heat building detoxifying flow increasing prana and energy through the body, followed by a one hour yin practice, focusing on the connective tissue and fascia. The Vin / Yin combo allows us to dive deep into unexplored layers of tension and patterns of holding in the body, releasing our issues from all our tissues. By working both feminine and masculine, yin and yang, muscular and organic aspects of our being, we provide a "holistic" and whole body healing. Float off your mat feeling balanced and blissed out!

Journey to the Center - Yin experience ($35)
A Journey to Center is a 2-hour combination of yin yoga, guided meditation, and sound healing. In a candlelit room, we practice one hour of yin yoga to release layers of stress and tension from the physical body. After the asana, Leah leads some simple breathing exercises designed to prime the body for deep relaxation. She then guides you through very specific body scan techniques, to release tension from the body. In between each relaxation period, Paul plays instrumental pieces on acoustic guitar. These performances sold out typically every month, and garnered rave reviews from listeners and meditators alike in Bali, Australia, Thailand, and all over the US.

200 Hr Vinyasa/Yin Teacher Training
Join Tymi Howard, Mahendra, and Amanda Koh, for a 200 Hour Vinyasa/Yin Teacher Training!

Adventures in Intimacy - open your Heart ($35/$60 couple)
"Do one thing every day that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt.
If the title of this workshop scares you a bit (or a lot), this makes perfect sense! This is because we're born as pure love, able to connect with others without fear. But throughout our lives, wounds from betrayal, neglect and rejection cause us to subconsciously withdraw from authentic closeness and instead form insecurities and habits that cut us off from deeper connection.
You'll be guided through fun, playful (non-sexual) connection activities. Although this is a light-hearted discovery, most participants experience profound breakthroughs. This is a transformational experience for partners that want to rekindle their connection and passion. Solo adventurers find powerful heart openings and leave remembering what it’s like to feel freedom in closeness to partners, friends, colleagues and family.
Nearly everyone that's taken this workshop felt a bit nervous before they showed up- but had fun, learned cool stuff to take home and felt better when they left. Why?? Because you step into your fear and open your heart to connect with real people, in honest ways.

Paul's Power Yoga Sequencing Workshop ($65)
Paul Teodo is a yoga and meditation teacher and musician from the USA. Paul spent 5 years teaching at Bryan Kest’s well-known studio in Santa Monica, and at other studios in Los Angeles building a reputation as one of the best young teachers in town. He continued to study with senior teachers Sara Ivanhoe, Travis Eliot, Bryan Kest, Steve Ross, and meditation under Dr. Lorin Roche.
Paul has taught approximately 3000 yoga classes, both yoga and meditation. He was named the #1 Yoga Teacher in Los Angeles in 2016 by the Culture Trip. Paul is also an accomplished musician. Paul has the unique ability to lead both a very physically strong flow class, and also can guide a student into deep states of relaxation with his guitar meditations. In 2017 he moved to Indonesia with his partner Leah and got hired at the world famous Yoga Barn in Ubud.
This 3.5 hour workshop covers the basic fundamentals for sequencing a strong, safe power yoga class. Pick a theme, a peak pose, or a specific section of the body and know how to challenge every yogi in the room while at the same time minimizing the risk of injury. This is a great workshop for yoga teachers, or for a student that is looking to develop a home practice. It includes a basic template which allows you to find both structure and creativity in your sequencing. The class emphasizes techniques learned at Santa Monica Power Yoga (Bryan Kest’s original studio) and YogaWorks, two of the most respected yoga studios in the United States.

Journey into the Gokul Practice, with Juan Chaahk Balam and Pearl Bhasin
Inspired and trained by Mahayogi Jani Jaatinen aka @Gokulacandra, creator and founder of Gokul Yoga, Juan and Pearl will share their insights into Gokul Yoga and its Bhakti Yoga lineage, and Gokul Yoga’s unique system of Ha and Tha Bandhas.

Embodied Movement Weekend with Daphne Chua
Join Daphne Chua for a one-day movement special with two sessions of therapeutically healing masterclasses; “Embodying our Therapeutic Core” & “Sense, Feel, Restore: a deep dive into the parasympathetic”